Celebrating 150 Years
Tuesday 23 October
For immediate release
Celebrating 150 Years
On Thursday, October 22, 1863, the recently
established Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association
held the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Exhibition at
the newly purchased showground’s in Sydenham (became
Sydenham Park in 1894). There were classes for sheep,
cattle, horses, shearing, dairy produce, pigs, poultry and
‘In spite of the heavy rain of the preceding day’, reported The Press, ‘the morning of the twenty-second was fair and promising enough. The sun shone brightly, the shops were closed, flags fluttered in the breeze, 1500 people (a surprising number given that the population of Christchurch the year before was barely 3000) entered the showground’s gates…’
Skip forward to 2012 and the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association is celebrating its Sesquicentennial year with the Canterbury A&P Show to be held on Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 November 2012.
The largest Agricultural and Pastoral Show in the country, the Canterbury A&P Show averages close to 7,000 livestock and feature competition entries, comprising more than 3,000 animals battling it out in over 1,700 classes including sections for horse/pony, beef/dairy cattle, sheep, alpaca, llama, pig, wool, goat, dog trials, poultry, shearing & woolhandling, wine, gourmet oil, mint lamb, woodchopping and vintage machinery.
“The Association has a proud history of promoting excellence in agriculture and bringing the country to town through the annual Show. In 2012 we are celebrating our 150th year; a significant milestone not only in the Association’s history, but also for the showing movement and for Canterbury” added Canterbury A&P Association President Richard Lemon.
Initiatives to celebrate the 150th Anniversary include the release of a commemorative book charting the history of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association and annual Show. Freelance writer Rosa Shiels has been commissioned to write the book, combining oral histories and historical archives to tell the story of the Association and the people who are an integral part of its history. When Country Comes to Town is due for release at the 2012 Canterbury A&P Show in November.
The 150th Anniversary Programme for the 2012 Canterbury
A&P Show includes:
- Official Opening to be held
on the showgrounds on Wednesday 14 November.
Unveiling of a commemorative plaque to signify the
- 150th Anniversary Equestrian
Parade in the Main Arena on Thursday and Friday.
Special vintage machinery display including a working
threshing mill, steam sawmill, steam chaff cutter and
- A replica 1900s W A McLaren & Co
trade site including six traction engines and memorabilia.
- Heritage agricultural equipment and a photo
booth at the Ferrymead Heritage Park site.
- The
sheep, cattle and alpaca sections will have special prizes
on offer for competitors, memorabilia displays as well as
judging in period costumes.
“Livestock and equestrian entries received to date indicate that they will exceed numbers over the last few years. Sheep entries have increased by 200 and cattle by 150, dog trials by 30, and horses are also strong. This reflects the respect that the Canterbury A&P Show has New Zealand wide and that the event can attract a high calibre and a high number of entries making it the number one A&P Show in the country. We are excited to welcome exhibitors, members and Cantabrians to join with us in celebrating the 2012 Canterbury A&P Show - 150 years of showing in Canterbury” added Lemon.