AIA Monthly Traffic Update September 2012
Issued: 23 October 2012
This monthly traffic update from Auckland International Airport Limited (AIAL) is generated with assistance and data from Statistics New Zealand, the New Zealand Customs Service, Airways New Zealand, Immigration New Zealand and AIAL. International passenger movements are actual, domestic passenger movements are estimated by AIAL. Immigration New Zealand has recently refined the transits data, resulting in a re-statement of transit numbers year to date and the prior year comparatives. This document is intended for information purposes. It should not be considered a recommendation, offer or invitation to purchase securities. All reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the information is true and accurate at the time of publication. * Total international passengers including transits. **Estimation using best available data. ***Maximum Certificated Take-Off weight (MCTOW) forms the basis of determining airfield charges at Auckland Airport.
September 2012
Monthly traffic update 1.4%
International passenger volumes (excluding transit
passengers) at Auckland Airport were up 1.4% versus
September 2011. Chinese routes continued to perform strongly
with passengers up 32.9% on last year. Winter holiday
destinations also continued to perform strongly into
September with passengers on Pacific Island routes up 9.5%
on last year and Queensland routes up 8.2%. 15.8%
Arrivals by New Zealand residents were up 15.8% in
September 2012 compared to last year. This was mainly due to
New Zealanders putting their travel on hold during the 2011
Rugby World Cup (RWC). Because of the large impact that the
RWC had on overseas visitor arrivals in September 2011,
overseas visitor arrivals were comparatively down in
September 2012. However overseas visitor arrivals were up
7.0% on September 2010.
11.3% Domestic
passenger numbers were strong at both Auckland Airport and
our affiliate airports in September 2012. Domestic
passengers were up 11.3% on last year at Auckland Airport,
27.1% up at Queenstown Airport and 9.7% up at Cairns
Airport. Mackay domestic passengers were down 1.7% versus
last year, however, the announcement of new Tiger Airways
services to/from Sydney and Melbourne from December 2012
will stimulate domestic passenger growth to/from Mackay.
2nd China was the second largest inbound
market during a 12 month period for the first time in the 12
months ending September 2012, moving ahead of the
traditional inbound markets of the United Kingdom and the
United States of America. Chinese visitor arrivals were up
74.2% compared to September 2011.