Navigate Our Good Ship Safely Through the Ice Fields Ahead
Navigate Our Good Ship Safely Through the Ice Fields
The Voyage of a
Lifetime Seminar, 1pm November 4th, DownStage Theatre,
Cambridge Terrace, Wellington: Entrance free, registration
necessary at
Zealand is sailing into an ice field of environmental,
economic, social and intergenerational dangers. You only
need look at the current state of the national accounts,
unemployment figures, the looming retirement crunch, record
numbers heading overseas, and the narrowing of the economy
to know that we are doing something wrong, and need to
change tack fast to avoid full-speed collusions with our
We, as New Zealanders, can’t get off this ship now it has sailed. But we can use our individual and collective influence to steer the ship away from the worst dangers, or at the very least, slow down so we impact our icebergs with less speed and better contingency plans.
The presenters for the afternoon are knowledgeable gentlefolk in their various professions. You’ll be taken through icebergs and solutions by Rick Boven (environmental strategist), Bernard Hickey (finance editor), Rod Oram (business journalist), Selwyn Pellett (technology entrepreneur), John Walley (CEO of New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters Association), Arena Williams (President of Auckland University Students Association) and Rory McCourt (Incoming President of the Victoria University Students Association). Public Address’ Russell Brown will be the MC for the afternoon and stand-up comedian Michele A’Court will open the presentations.
Voyage of a Lifetime is organised by the Fabians, in association with Public Address. Registration for your free boarding can be found here: