Study Confirms Auckland Drives New Zealand’s Cruise Industry
Media release
31 October 2012
Study Confirms Auckland Drives New Zealand’s Cruise Industry
Auckland’s contribution to the cruise industry is pivotal to the sector in New Zealand according to the latest Economic Impact Assessment released today by Cruise New Zealand.
The report reveals that during the 2012/13 season Auckland is on track to welcome 178,000 passengers and 78,000 crew, resulting in an injection of $114.9 million GDP into our region’s economy.
This will surpass the 2011/12 cruise season which was Auckland’s strongest to date, with 163,000 passenger days spent in Auckland making up 16 per cent of all passenger days in New Zealand.
During the season the sector supported over 1,550 jobs and added $101.2 million GDP to the Auckland economy.
Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) Chief Executive Brett O’Riley says the cruise industry is moving ahead at pace and the strong results confirm the importance of the sector for the region’s visitor economy.
“The Auckland Visitor Plan outlines the city’s aim of increasing our annual visitor economy from just over $3 billion to around $6 billion per annum by 2021, and growth in the cruise sector will play a vital role in helping to achieve these targets,” says Mr O’Riley.
The report reveals the important role that Auckland plays as an exchange port, with the passenger’s experience impacting on their first or last impression of New Zealand as a destination.
Waterfront Auckland Chief Executive John Dalzell says Auckland is already investing in cruise infrastructure with a new cruise facility currently under construction in Shed 10 on Queens Wharf.
“The cruise terminal will be ready for Auckland’s 2013/14 cruise season and will double the size of the current facility on Princes Wharf,” he says.
Mr Dalzell says it is part of a wider progressive strategy for the delivery of cruise infrastructure being developed with Ports of Auckland that will ensure future investment keeps pace with the projected growth in the sector.
Mr O’Riley says the Queens Wharf cruise facility will go a long way to improving the visitor experience for the thousands of cruise passengers that visit Auckland each year.
“The cruise facility will be a great asset for Auckland and provide a welcoming first impression and seamless experience for visitors. But we can’t stop there – continuing to work with the industry to ensure Auckland’s status as a top cruise destination remains a high priority,” he says.
ATEED works to help drive Auckland’s visitor economy and contribute to making Auckland the world’s most liveable city.
Auckland leads the strategic approach to the development of
Auckland’s waterfront, consistent with Auckland
Council’s vision and is the planning and design division
charged with the delivery of the waterfront
Notes to
The Economic Impact Assessment of NZ
Cruise Sector was prepared by Market Economics Limited.