No Challenge to Environment Court Decision on Windfarms
No Challenge to Environment Court Decision on Windfarms
Porirua City Council today received confirmation that a recent Environment Court decision (8 October 20120) on appeals to Plan Change 7 (Windfarms) will not be further appealed by either Mighty River Power or the New Zealand Wind Energy Association.
As such, the plan change to the Porirua City District Plan is now beyond any further legal challenge.
The Council will now move to make this plan change operative at the earliest opportunity.
"We are grateful and appreciative of encouragement and support provided by members of the Porirua community who enjoined the appeal process on the plan change," says District Plan Committee Chairperson Cllr Tim Sheppard.
"The commitment of those groups is reflected in the positive outcome for the community."
Porirua City Council's Proposed Plan Change 7 manages commercial scale wind farm proposals in the city.
The plan change
requires wind turbines to be at least 700m away from a zone
boundary or the boundary of a site not part of the wind farm
or otherwise the wind farm proposal becomes a non-complying