Wellington-Wairarapa Super City
13 June 2013
Media Release: Wellington-Wairarapa Super City
The Greater Wellington Regional Council today voted to make an application to the Local Government Commission for a two-tier Wellington Super City.
Councillor Daran Ponter said that "there was a need for change in local government, but the Regional Council had been too hasty in its approach and had failed to connect at a community level." "Too much time has been spent in board rooms and not enough time working at a community level".
"The Council has failed to tell a story about how strong and co-ordinated local government can be a pathway to a strong economy, and to connected and vibrant communities."
"We have ended in a position where we are being seen to be forcing the Super City on communities, rather than working with communities. We have failed absolutely to energise communities.
"The Regional Council has drawn a long bow in equating the desire for change with the need for a Super City". "People want change....but they are not clamouring for a Super City. We have failed to find a middle ground - to arrive at consensus".
"The Council has a view that communities are indifferent to local government. But our communities are not indifferent to democracy or having a local voice. When they understand what little power will be vested in the local boards they will vote against the Super City."
Daran said that "only when the Super City proposal is finally rejected by voters will we truly understand the opportunities that have been squandered over the last three years - opportunities to tackle economic development head on, to collaborate on new regional economic development and infrastructure initiatives ".
"We have become fixated by the idea that a Super City will cure all our ills".