PCC Adopts 2013/14 Annual Plan
PCC Adopts 2013/14 Annual Plan
Porirua City Council has adopted its Annual Plan 2013/14 with a focus on core infrastructure while also planning for exciting new things for the city.
Mayor Nick Leggett says the Council managed to keep the rates increase below that which was set in last year’s Long Term Plan 2012-22 at 2.7% to the average ratepayer.
“This Annual Plan continues to provide for key services and water infrastructure investment while also offering some new things that will add to the experience of living and working in Porirua City.
“We’ve brought forward funding in our Stormwater Upgrade Programme by one year so we now have a combined budget of $1.35 million. This will enable us to be more flexible in reducing flooding risks in key areas of our city. We’ve also brought forward allocated capital for major projects such as City Centre Revitalisation and Transmission Gully Link Roads.”
Mayor Leggett says the Council responded to feedback from the public and has added some exciting initiatives as well.
“We are the youngest city in New Zealand and need to continue to improve our city’s facilities and attractions in order to meet the needs of our young families and people.
“As such, the Council allocated new funding to investigate building a Splash Pad ($30,000) at the Aquatic Centre and to bringing an Aqua Play Park ($50,000) to Porirua, similar to the popular one on the Kapiti Coast.”
$80,000 will also be used from the Recreation and Civic Development Reserves Fund to build a new playground in the Silverwood subdivision.
Other variations to the Long Term Plan 2012-22 included in this Annual Plan are:
An extra $276,000 has been budgeted for the Pauatahanui Sewerage Scheme to cover costs such as engineering and easements.
The current Emergency Operations Centre does not meet resilience standards so $100,000 has been budgeted per year for the establishment of a new centre.
An additional $225,000 (0.5% of rates) has been provided in the 2013/14 budget for the Local Authority Protection Programme (LAPP fund) to ensure the Council maintains insurance cover of core assets.
$500,000 will be spent on building maintenance each year for the next 3 years.
$100,000 will be spent to undertake a comprehensive Efficiency and Effectiveness Review of the Council’s services and activities.
$70,000 allocated for a traffic safety study on Whitford Brown Avenue with particular focus on Papakowhai Road, The Fjord and other intersections.
Mayor Leggett thanked everyone who took
time to share their views and said they can expect to
receive a written response to the points they raised in
their submission by the end of