Council approves plan for next three years
Friday 28 June 2013
Council approves plan for next
three years
Following four weeks of community consultation, 372 written submissions, three days of public hearings and several days of deliberations, Christchurch City Council yesterday adopted a Three Year Plan.
The Christchurch City Three Year Plan 2013-2016 sets out all the projects and services the Council will provide over the next three financial years, how much they will cost and where the money will come from. The plan sets out an overall rates increase of 6.67 per cent.
That is made up of an increase of 4.74 per cent to cover standard services and projects, and an additional 1.93 per cent special earthquake charge.
Mayor Bob Parker says the highlight of this Three Year Plan is not a single digit rates increase or a new facility or a big-ticket item - it's the fact the Council is paying its way using a sound financial plan.
"We'll get Christchurch back and better than ever within a generation. And that's without selling off our revenue earning assets or facing massive rates increases, while at the same time keeping our debt at an affordable level."
A $4.8 billion cost-sharing deal between the Crown and the Council announced yesterday provides certainty around funding, allowing the Council to sign-off on this Three Year Plan.
As a result of the cost-sharing arrangement, the Council's contribution to the rebuilding of horizontal infrastructure (roading and underground services) has been reduced by $159 million.
The final Three Year Plan largely adopts the activities and budgets proposed in the draft plan, with some changes following submissions from members of the public, recommendations from the Mayor and proposed amendments from Councillors. These include:
* $50
million to set up a transformational project fund for
betterment of facilities, with $9.9 million set aside for
the Coastal Pathway Project and $15 million for the
Christchurch Central Library.
* $2 million to buy land
for stage one of the South West Recreation and Sports
* $830,000 for partial completion of a non-loop
Central City tram link between New Regent Street, Re:Start
Mall and Canterbury Museum following a feasibility
investigation and report back to the Council by September
* $5.47 million for the review of the District
* Up to $10 million for a 100 per cent rebate on
development contributions for residential developments in
the Central City that have been reviewed by the Urban Design
Panel and are under construction by July 2015.
* Clarifications to the Development Contributions Policy
including allowing the amalgamation of credits on one
development site and requiring the Council to use
development contribution cash within 10
* Confirmation of major organisations receiving
grants from the Strengthening Communities Fund totalling
$1.475 million a year for two years.
* A $2 million
interest-free loan for five years from 2013/4 to assist the
Theatre Royal Charitable Trust with the cost of
reconstructing the Isaac Theatre Royal.
* $500,000 for a
relocatable facility for community groups at Beckenham or
another agreed site.
* $250,000 for urgent projects
identified in the Cemeteries Master Plan.
* $250,000 for
a feasibility study into the concept of a sports hub, such
as the hub being proposed at Nga Puna Wai, a reserve beside
the Canterbury Agricultural Park.
* $46,000 over three
years for an upgrade of the Garden of Tane in Akaroa, funded
by a reduction of 10 per cent to the Stanley Park and
Robinsons Bay budgets.
* Up to $150,000 to cover half
the cost of traffic lights at an intersection in Redcliffs
near the site proposed for a supermarket rebuild, subject to
Foodstuffs matching the Council's contribution.
* $15,000 for a project to improve boating safety at the
public facilities in Naval Point.
* $15,000 for the New
Brighton Business and Landowners' Association.
* $69,000
for the Council's engagement strategy.
recommendations included:
* Staff to investigate and
report back on the costs and process for providing free
wi-fi in core areas of the central city
* Staff to
urgently investigate possible rates relief and financial
incentives for listed heritage buildings
* A request for
a report on funding and an expression of support for
Scarborough Paddling Pool being rebuilt and reopening for
the 2013/14 summer.
The final version of the Three Year Plan will be available via the Council's website, libraries and service centres within a month.
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