Just a minute Mr Mayor
Just a minute Mr Mayor
City Rail Link must not start construction until the Auckland Mayor and his council have consulted ratepayers on the funding for the entire project and its effects on rates.
Today’s announcement of a deal with Downtown developers for a 2016 start is also short of details, including any concessions the Council may be asked for, and if so, what is the cost of those concessions.
While it may seem common sense for the two projects to proceed at the same time there needs to be a thorough review of the full financial implications of a 2016 start on the CRL .
The Government has made it clear that the only way it would bring forward the date for its share of the funding would be if clear evidence became available of significantly increased rail patronage.
Current trends are showing a slowdown in passenger growth.
So just a minute Mr Mayor, and show us the cost to ratepayers