Fish & Game officers chaperone spawning trout
Media release from Eastern Fish & Game
Fish & Game officers chaperone spawning trout
With the trout spawning season in full swing, Fish & Game’s Eastern Region is continuing to check ‘no fishing’ and spawning areas – to make sure the fish are left alone.
Streams such as the upper Ngongotaha, Utuhina and Waiteti are now closed to fishing, along with boat fishing on lakes Tarawera, Okataina and Rotoiti.
Eastern Fish & Game officer Anthony van Dorp says, the closures are part of Fish & Game’s seasonal efforts to protect the spawning streams – and “ensure sustainable trout populations into the future.” He says some of the smaller streams favoured by spawning trout can be especially vulnerable.
Mr van Dorp says some areas such as the Upper Ngongotaha Stream have had extra signage erected to advise visitors that the area is closed to fishing over the winter season.
He says that these signs with hard-hitting messages such as – ‘Stop – No Fishing!’ – seem to have been effective. They warn anglers that fishing closed waters carries potentially big penalties – fines of up to $5000.
Fish & Game is keen to remind anglers that the Rotorua lakes district has “a wealth of areas” still open for fishing, including lakes Rotorua, Rerewhakaaitu, Rotoma, Rotoehu and the smaller Nagpouri and Okaro. The stream mouths on Lake Rotorua are also fishable, especially the Ngongotaha and Waiteti mouths.
“Anglers should check the regulation booklet or contact Fish & Game if in doubt about where they can fish, or need any advice.We’re only too happy to pass on some fishing tips. ”
Mr van Dorp says that as always during the spawning season, they’re keen to hear from people with tipoffs on any suspicious behaviour around closed areas or spawning streams, on 0800-poaching (762-244).