Storage method dirties clean stream
Storage method dirties clean stream
PGG Wrightson Limited has been fined more than $28,000 following an incident in May 2012 which resulted in industrial cleaning liquid entering the Curletts Road Drain.
The company also faces more than $2,650 in court costs.
Kim Drummond, Environment Canterbury Director Resource Management, said the contamination had a substantial impact on the water-way.
“The incident had some serious short-term effects on aquatic life. More than 200 short-fin eels and four fish were found dead along the length of the waterway,” he said.
Judge Kellar noted during sentencing that there have not been any long-lasting effects on aquatic life since the incident, adding this was mainly due to the clean-up activities undertaken by PGG Wrightson. He also made a point that the chemical known as Nutra-Sol was incorrectly stored in an unconfined area close to a storm-water drain.
Mr Drummond says protecting Canterbury’s urban waterways is vital to ensuring that waterways are thriving places for aquatic life.
“It is important that companies understand that storm water from hardstand areas end up in our urban waterways and so it is critical that all chemicals are stored in a secure and enclosed area well away from storm-water drains.
“This case highlights the importance of making sure that best practice storage procedures are followed when dealing with hazardous chemicals.
Judge Kellar accepted that while the spill was not deliberate it was caused by inadequate storage methods, and staff did not have the appropriate training to bund the drain during the clean-up.
“Every employee should be aware of these procedures and every company should have an environmental management plan, which should include regular checks of storage areas and materials,” said Kim Drummond.
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