Polluted waterways pose threat to children
Organic NZ news
Polluted waterways pose threat to children
Soil & Health - Organic NZ supports Pesticide Action Network’s call for an immediate reassessment of chlorpryifos, a dangerous aerially sprayed pesticide that is polluting New Zealand waterways.
A recently published scientific study from the University of Otago found traces of pesticides in waterways on New Zealand farms, including organic farms, believed to have been deposited by vapour or spray drift.
As well as the organophosphate chlorpyrifos, traces of endosulfan sulfate were discovered, even though this pesticide was banned in New Zealand in 2008.
Chlorpyrifos is especially dangerous for pregnant women and small children because it affects brain development in babies in the womb and in newborns. It also lowers IQ, is a known endocrine disruptor and is a risk factor for breast cancer.
The Environmental Protection Authority recently approved chlorpyrifos for aerial spraying despite Dow AgroSciences withdrawing it from industrial and home garden use.
"Soil & Health is one of the oldest organic organisations in the world and advocates for the consumer's right to have fresh, healthy, organic food and water free of GE, pesticides and additives and their right to know what is in their food and water. Oranga nuku, oranga kai, oranga tangata. To learn more about what is really in your food subscribe to their Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/OrganicNZ
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(1) http://www.pananz.net
(2) http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/rural/215616/traces-of-abandoned-pesticide...
(3) http://nz.sports.yahoo.com/news/chlorpyrifos-banned-192458981.html
(4) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorpyrifos