Westies’Blood Boils as Motorway Holdups Cost Time and Money
Westies’Blood Boils as Motorway Holdups Cost Time and Money
West Aucklanders’ blood continues to boil as Motorway hold-ups and frustrations reach breaking point says Council Candidate Christine Rose. “Out on the campaign trail, I receive every day complaints about diversions, hold-ups, and lack of signage resulting from motorway work. Full buses can wait for up to 20 minutes on onramps for access due to an absence of bus priority on ramp metering. Bus shoulders have been reduced.”
She says “Even those leaving for work at 6.30 in the morning face double their usual journey times as diversions wind through suburban Henderson, Massey and Te Atatu. Delays in the Motorway construction timetable due to funding restrictions mean this disruption will continue until at least 2017, and even then the benefits of the work will serve through traffic using the ‘Western Ring Route’ rather than Westies trying to get to work or do business.”
Mrs Rose says people contacting her say that they are losing business, can no longer rely on the motorway network and are threatening direct action to bring attention to the issue and to achieve better management from the New Zealand Transport Agency.