Tick Toby for responsible hard-working Board representation
Media Release
Toby Hutton – Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Candidate, East Coast Bays subdivision
For immediate release
Tick Toby for responsible, hard-working Local Board representation
As voting papers are sent out, Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Candidate Toby Hutton, standing in the East Coast Bays subdivision, says voters should Tick Toby for responsible, hard-working representation on their Local Board.
“Local government should be exactly that – local,” says Mr Hutton.
“A tick for Toby Hutton is a vote for responsible, hard-working and common-sense representation on your Local Board. I am the centre-right, Communities & Residents candidate with the best interests of you, your business, your family and your community in mind.
“I stand for responsible spending of ratepayers' hard-earned money, to make sure local services are delivered effectively and efficiently and for an environment that promotes and supports economic growth, better pay and more jobs for local people. The East Coast Bays area is a wonderful place to live, work and play – and that's exactly how it should remain.
“Our infrastructure projects must be cost-effective and future-proofed and never has there been a more crucial time to make the right decision on transport solutions for now and for our children's future. I am the responsible, hard-working local resident who's ready to make the right decisions.
“Tick Toby – the Local Board candidate who's standing for you.”