Expecting amalgamation issues to increase voting
Upper Hutt City Council Candidate.
Expecting amalgamation issues to increase voting

Paul Lambert by " UPAHUT ' number plate
Upper Hutt City Council candidate Paul Lambert
was expecting all the recent focus on local body
amalgamation to have increased interest in local voting .
He was hoping that all the hard work by Upper Hutt residents
, Councillors and Council staff would have stimulated more
people to vote by now . He adds that it is not too late to
vote and that valid voters can make a special vote at
Council offices before midday on Saturday 12 October if they
have destroyed their papers or never received them .Voters
can keep and eye on voting progess in Upper Hutt on
Paul Lambert is very passionate about Upper Hutt as illustrated by the number plate UPAHUT he suggested Upper Hutt City Council acquire nearly 16 years ago when he started as City Promotion Manager for the Council . It is now on the Mayoral car .Some people referred to Lambert as ' Mr Upper Hutt " when working for Council .