Makara Stream Given OK as Alternative Water Source
Makara Stream Given OK as Alternative Water
Ruapehu District Council (RDC) held its second public meeting in Raetihi last night to discuss the response and recovery efforts around the diesel contamination of the town’s water supply.
RDC Alternate Civil Defence Controller, Margaret Hawthorne, said that Council felt the meeting was generally very positive with residents now focusing on the future and what needs to be done.
“The response and recovery effort is proceeding well and we are making steady progress implementing our plans to get water available to the township again through the reticulated system,” she said.
“In the interim residents and businesses are now well supplied with water via temporary tanks and smaller containers supported by a door-to-door resupply service.”
“We have over 40 large tanks and water pods around the township along with significant numbers of smaller 20 litre and other containers.”
“Anyone needing their tank refilled or water delivered to their home just needs to call Council on 06 385 4447 or 0800 123 RDC (732).”
Mrs Hawthorne added that everyone on the vulnerable persons list is receiving the help they need.
“The water settling ponds have been cleaned and today we will start the cleaning of the reservoir.”
“The Ministry of Health has given the all clear to use the alternative water supply from the Makara Stream.”
“We will now start re-filling the settling ponds with the goal of flushing out the raw water line tomorrow.”
“All going to plan we will also re-fill the reservoir tomorrow with the goal of beginning the flushing out the water mains on Friday.”
“No detergents are used during the flushing process as expert advice is that this causes more problems than it solves.”
“The flushing process uses only water and a lot of it.”
Mrs Hawthorn noted that it is important that residents understand that any water that may reach their property when we start the flushing process is not safe to use.
“Boiling the water does not make the water any safer to drink,” she said.
“People should ensure that both their water supply toby and hot water cylinder water supply are shut off at this stage.”
“Council will be put out information on the flushing process and what residents need to do.”
“Once water is flowing through the reticulated system it will be available in distinct stages for use being; 1.) restored for toilet flushing, 2.) restored for laundry use, 3.) restored for showers and baths, 4.) restored for drinking.”
“When drinking water is available some people may initially find the taste to be slightly unpleasant although it is perfectly safe.”
“This will not last and good tasting water will be available in due course although this may take some time.”
“Alternative emergency water supplies will continue until the reticulated water system is fully functional.”
Mrs Hawthorne said that anyone requiring
further information should see council’s website; or alternatively come by the Raetihi
office which will be open from 8.30am – 5.00pm everyday
this week.