Care required when lighting outdoor fires
Date: October 9th 2013
Care required when lighting outdoor fires
The warmer weather over the past few weeks has prompted a warning to take extra care when lighting outdoor fires.
Hastings District Council Team Leader Emergency Management Trevor Mitchell says “Appliances from the Rural and New Zealand Fire Services have attended two outdoor fires over the past 7 days, which have burnt out of control. The fires on Kereru Road and at Eskdale were quickly bought under control and caused only a small amount of damage to the surrounding vegetation.”
Trevor Mitchell says “Emergency Management staff have begun monitoring the weather conditions to determine when the trigger point is reached where fire restrictions may have to be imposed. The grass may look green at the moment, but these two recent fires show us that there is enough dry undergrowth to cause fires to quickly spread out of control.”
“It is important that outdoor fires are not left unattended and at the first sign of problems you should dial 111. The sooner firefighters get to the scene of a blaze the better, as this improves the chances of extinguishing it quickly and limiting the amount of damage caused and the cost to the person responsible. If you are in any doubt about lighting an outdoor fire, contact the Hastings Emergency Management team and they will advise on the best course of action.”
The Hastings District is currently in an open fire season which means that you do not need a permit to light a fire, unless the fire will burn before sunrise or after sunset. Fires shouldn’t be lit when it is windy, or within five metres of a structure, including trees and fences. Fires on beaches are not permitted.
Further information on lighting open air fires is available at