Voters have another reason to visit libraries this week
Voters have another reason to visit their libraries this week says Council Candidate Christine Rose
“Voters have another reason to visit their libraries this week”, says Waitakere Ward Council Candidate Christine Rose. “Not only does Auckland have an exceptional library service provided through local rates, but voters can still ‘post their votes’ at their local library until 12 noon Saturday”.
“For those who have forgotten to put their voting papers in the mail before today, or for those who yearn for the visit to the polling booth, you can make your voice count in the local elections by visiting your local library, and get a great book at the same time”.
Mrs Rose says voting through the library is important to catch any last minute voters, and there’s “a neat link between dropping off your vote there, and the fact that libraries are run by Councils”.
“Who you vote for matters to the funding and quality of services like libraries”.
She encourages anyone who loves libraries, and anyone who hasn’t voted, to get take their voting forms to their nearest library soon.
Christine Rose served for 15 years in Regional and Local Government as well as researching local government politics for several years. She sees the low turn-out in this year’s election as part of a worsening overall trend toward disengagement with local government elections.
But she says “It’s not too late, people can still get down to their libraries with their voting papers before Saturday at 12, and have their say. We urge them to do so”.
“Anyone whose voting papers haven’t arrived or wants more information should ring 0800-922-822 or visit