Water for Flushing Toilets But Not Drinking Or Other Uses
Water for Flushing Toilets But Not Drinking Or Other
Ruapehu District Council (RDC) and its contractor Veolia Water have successfully flushed the water mains as the first stage in cleaning the reticulated water lines and returning potable water to Raetihi properties.
RDC Chief Executive and Civil Defence Controller, Peter Till, said that the Raetihi reservoir was cleaned and refilled by Saturday afternoon allowing Council to re-pressurise the water mains and begin stage one of the flushing programme.
“The re-pressurising of the water mains went extremely well,” he said.
“We were anticipating that with a reticulated network as old as Raetihi’s that we may have had a few leaks occurring as the water pressure was restored.”
“Ultimately we only had one minor flood in a house due to a tap being left on.”
“Today we are planning to repeat the flushing of the water mains and take further water samples before moving on to stage two the flushing of residential plumbing.”
Mr Till said by now all residents should have a copy of the flyer that explains the flushing programme and what they need to do at each stage.
“Over the weekend the Fire Service has gone door-to-door and delivered the flyer that outlines each of the steps.”
“If people were not at home a copy of the flyer has been left in a prominent place and a note taken by the Fire Service that no one was present,” he said.
“People are also able to pick-up a copy of the flyer from Council’s Seddon St office or download one on-line from Council’s website; www.ruapehudc.govt.nz “
Mr Till noted that with the mains re-pressurised water will be available at people’s homes.
“People can now use the water for flushing of their toilet,” he said.
“The water should not be used for any other purpose.”
“Before Council can give the all clear to use the water for other purposes such as; washing, laundry, showers, or consumption we need confirmation from the Medical Officer of Health that it is safe.”
“People should also not use wetbacks as it involves their hot water cylinder which may have diesel in it.”
“Water will not be available for uses other than toilet flushing until we have completed the stage two flushing of residential plumbing and received a medical all-clear.”
Mr Till added that Raetihi residents should have confidence that Council is moving as quickly as possible under the circumstances and with the public health considerations to restore potable water as soon as possible into people’s homes.
“There is another public meeting at 5.30pm at the Raetihi Cosmopolitan Club tomorrow (Tue 15 Oct).”
“Council would encourage as many Raetihi residents to come along as they can where we can fully brief them on where we are in the recovery process and answer any questions they may have,” he said.