Mayor Brown’s Behaviour Inappropriate
Press Release
Mayor Brown’s Behaviour Inappropriate
Affordable Auckland Leader Stephen Berry today said that Len Brown’s actions during his two year affair with Bev Chuang were inappropriate and unbecoming for a person his position. “Engaging in physical relations at your place of employment with another person is most certainly a workplace taboo.”
Mr. Berry wants to make clear that he has no interest in pontificating over Mr. Brown’s private life. “I strongly believe that even public figures have a right to a private life and what he does with that is of absolutely no concern to me. It is a matter which should remain between him and his wife and it is nobody else’s business. I argue that position passionately for all individuals.”
“The issue I have with this case however is that Mayor Brown engaged in these acts during office hours in the Town Hall and I think that crosses the line. If I were to engage in physical relations with someone at my place of work I would be quite rightly fired. The same standard should apply to the Mayor.”
Stephen Berry also wonders how above board Brown’s spending on his mistress could be, especially considering his previous misuse of Council credit cards. “Ms. Chuang accompanied Mr. Brown on multiple engagements. It seems to me that she would have been the beneficiary of some of Brown’s ratepayer funded perks in that process. I think this would be worth investigation by the Council. Ratepayer money needs to be treated with the greatest of respect and that is not something this Mayor has a history of doing.”
“I believe that in light of Len Brown’s inappropriate use of ratepayer funded facilities he would be appropriate for him to stand down and a by-election be held.. What Mr. Brown does in his own free time is his own business. What he does at work is everyone’s.”