Iconic North Island station up for sale
Iconic North Island station up for sale

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A significant part of New Zealand’s farming scene…. Mangaohane Station in the Central North Island is up for sale.
One of the most highly valued sheep and beef farms in New Zealand has been placed on the market for sale.
Mangaohane is located just off the Taihape to Napier Highway, and is nestled between the pristine Rangitikei River renowned for trophy brown trout and white water rafting, and the Ruahine Forest Park.
The local Pukeokahu District is centred around a primary school 19 kilometres away, and River Valley,- an international tourist destination lodge and white water rafting centre.
The district also boasts many other well known properties including Kaiangaroa and Pukeokahu Stations, while Mangaohane itself bounders both Otupae Station and Kelly Block to the north, and Erewhon and Makokomiko stations over the Rangitikei River. Further afield lie Springvale, Ngamatea and Timahunga stations.
Mangaohane is a very large sheep and cattle breeding and finishing unit spread over 4,839 hectares. The station winters on average more than 44,000 sheep and cattle stock units - placing it among the top echelon of productive primary land in New Zealand.
Marketing salesperson Pete Stratton of Bayleys Taihape says Mangaohane is an iconic North Island station and boasts many superb features which make it one of New Zealand's best known and highly regarded sheep and cattle properties.
“The size and location, balance of contour, free draining soils, fertiliser history, quality of pasture, carrying capacity, top quality fencing, excellent subdivision, superior access and the gravity-fed Erewhon water scheme along with all the exciting recreational benefits, present an outstanding investment opportunity,” Mr Stratton said.
Tenders for Mangaohane Station close on March 13, 2014 unless sold prior by private treaty.
“Mangaohane Station is a magnificent property,” Mr Stratton said.
“It was purchased by the late Jim Bull at auction on 14 December 1973, and has remained in the Bull family for the last 40 years. During that time the property has been transformed - with 1500 hectares of scrub cleared and a further 1200 hectares of tussock developed into top quality high producing pasture.”
He says extensive capital has been invested in building the soil fertility and improving the pasture species grown. Even over the last 10 years, around 2600 hectares has been cropped and then sown in new grass, with a further 290 hectares currently in swedes.
“Also in that time, over 100 kilometres of new fencing, plus a further 40 kilometres reconstructed fencing, form a whopping 140 main paddocks across the station with an average size of 30 hectares.”
Stratton said Mangaohane is the first property on the Erewhon Rural Water Scheme, which services 26 farms in the greater Pukeokahu District. The water source intake is at the Reporoa Swamp adjacent to the Station, some 1000 metres above sea level, and provides reliable crystal clear water, gravity reticulated to stock across most of the station, with an area of only 850 hectares not serviced by the scheme. This area toward the Makirikiri end of the property is generously supplied by permanent streams and dams.
“Met’ Service data shows the farm has an annual average rainfall of between 1100 to 1200 millimetres, with a reliable summer rainfall in most years,” Mr Stratton said.
The contour on Mangaohane Station is generally assessed as having around 1100 hectares of flat to easy rolling contour, 2650 hectares of medium hill country and 590 hectares of river faces and steeper contour.
This mix of contour is ideal for breeding and fattening. To this end the station boasts top genetics in its superbly bred Angus cattle and Romney ewe flock. The angus bulls have been sourced from Te Mania for the last 18 years, while the Romney rams come from Hildreth Romneys in the Hawkes Bay, and St Leger at Tinoroto, Wairoa.
A station of this size is serviced by a substantial portfolio of support buildings, including the main manager’s home, two three-bedroom homes, single men’s quarters plus shearers’ quarters and cookhouse. An eight stand woolshed with covered pens on grating capable of holding 2200 full woolled ewes, extensive sheep yards plus multiple satellite sheep yards, implement sheds, cattle yards, hay barns and workshop. An all weather airstrip located on the farm boundary has a 150 tonne fertiliser bin.
Mangaohane also has 132 hectares of forestry - comprising mainly radiata pine all planted since 1992, with some Douglas fir.
Mr Stratton said Mangaohane has fantastic location. For a property of this size to be so close to a thriving rural community and school, plus having an established tourist destination at is back door, is a real rarity.
Add to that the tremendous capital investment over the last 40 years, which provides the opportunity for reliable and top quality stock production from a respected and extremely well-maintained station.