Wellington Library Coalition presentation to WCC
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Press Release: Wellington Library Coalition
Date: 17th November 2014
The Wellington Library Coalition (WLC) was first off the mark for the new triennium, presenting the newly invested Wellington City Councillors, and Mayor Wade-Brown, with the above graph illustrating the reality of library funding in the capital.
The presentation by Chris Coles and Nick Kelly is part of a campaign by the group to ensure Council is well informed about our libraries when it comes to the next Annual Plan process.
“It was disturbing,” Mr Coles stated, “that during the recent local body elections, several Councillors mentioned they had not been kept informed with respect to library staffing and funding cuts.”
“Job losses in the last triennium equated to 20 full-time staff,” said Mr Kelly.
The WLC has invited all new Councillors to individual meetings about Wellington’s libraries, and most have already accepted, including Councillor Sarah Free (Libraries Portfolio). The Wellington Library Coalition is encouraged by the level of commitment to libraries amongst the new Councillors, as evidenced in their replies to a survey of candidates during the recent campaign. In addition, some Councillors are actively talking to library staff and researching the issues the WLC has raised.
During his presentation, Mr Coles also asked the Council to consider forming an advisory board for Wellington Libraries, and mentioned Queensland’s study of ‘the Library Dividend’, which investigated the benefit-cost ratio of each dollar spent on libraries in the state.
Related links:
Wellington Library Coalition