Wanaka Sports Facility Consultation Underway
Wanaka Sports Facility Consultation Underway
Planning for a new sports complex in Wanaka has entered another phase, with work underway this month to update information on the needs of potential users.
Members of the Wanaka Sports Facility Steering Group will be holding individual meetings with sports and community groups to see whether the needs and priorities they signalled in earlier consultation have changed.
This is also a chance for the wider community to give feedback on what should be included in Stage 1 of the proposed facility. A survey on the Council’s website www.qldc.govt.nz will be open until the end of the month and there will be a public drop-in session at the Lake Wanaka Centre on Thursday 27 February, starting at 7pm.
Steering Group Chairman Duncan Good said that consultation in 2011 ranked an aquatic centre as the highest priority, with indoor courts a close second. Grass sports fields, outdoor courts and an artificial turf were ranked third, fourth and fifth.
There is no provision for a new aquatic centre in the Council’s Ten-Year Plan, but views on this are being sought as part of the Steering Group’s work.
The Council has budgeted $16.84 million to build stage 1 of the facility at Three Parks. Funding is planned to come from a mix of sources, including rates, development contributions and grants from funding agencies. The Government is proposing changes to the Local Government Act that would prevent the Council from using development contributions for the sports facility. If the Act is amended in that way, the Council will go back to the community on other options as part of this year’s Annual Plan and budget consultation.