Preliminary data in from legal highs policy submissions
Preliminary data in from submissions on Council’s legal highs policy
The number of submissions to Waikato District Council’s proposed psychoactive substances policy has been confirmed as 483.
Other preliminary findings revealed that the majority of submissions were received from Te Kauwhata with 185, followed by Ngaruawahia with 122 and Huntly with 77.
Raglan accounted for 45, while six came from Tuakau and five from Pokeno. The remaining 43 were classed as district wide.
More than half of the submissions were opposed to the policy with 307 recorded as against, 163 in support, eight as ‘don’t know’ and five didn’t state a position.
Of the 483 submitters, 79 have opted to present in support of their submission at a hearing.
Customer Support General Manager Sue Duignan thanked all the submitters for taking the time to put forward a submission.
Council staff will now summarise the submissions into key themes for each town and then reassess the proposed policy based on the matters raised in the submissions.
Hearings are expected to be held in early May 2014.