Matariki celebrations at Hastings District Libraries
Matariki celebrations at Hastings District
Hastings District Libraries will be
celebrating Matariki with a range of events and pakiwaitara
this month.
Thompson Hokianga, tohunga whakairo, will speak at the Flaxmere Community Centre & Library on Friday 20th June at 10am and the Hastings War Memorial Library on Wednesday 25th June at 10am.
Mr Hokianga, from Bridge Pa, helped coordinate the team of carvers that created the works that makeup Nga Pou o Heretaunga, which now stand proudly in Hastings Civic Square. He will speak about his experience of creating taonga whakairo and in particular, the carving of Rahunga i Te Rangi, an ancestor connected to Mangaroa Marae.
Hastings District Councillor Henare O’Keefe says Matariki is a time to celebrate new beginnings, new skills, whakapapa and whanau.
“Kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) appointments will be available for people to learn about kaupapa Maori based resources in Hastings Library – Maori maps, Maori Land Court information, Iwi net and Fundview and Breakout databases.”
If you need help in accessing these invaluable resources, contact Moana Munro, Kaitiakipukapuka Maori at the Hastings Library – 8715180 to make an appointment.
Library staff will also be hosting pakiwaitara (storytimes) and star making activities for children and families based on the Matariki story.
For further details on the libraries Matariki events see
Whanau Picnic
Where: Civic Square
When: Saturday 26th
July 2014
A celebration is to be held during Matariki, to
mark the first anniversary of the unveiling of the Pou in
Civic Square.
The celebration begins at 11am with a
speech from each of the carvers. That will be followed by a
Whanau picnic where everyone is invited to bring food to
share with others.
Senior Kapa Haka
Roopu with perform and Whanau are invited to spend time with
each other around the