Applications open for Community Arts and Culture Grant
18 June 2014
Applications open for Community Arts and Culture
Applications open on 23 June for the Community Arts and Culture Grant, which benefits non-profit groups providing arts and cultural services and programmes in Hutt City.
The Council has $35,000 to award.
The purpose
of this fund is to contribute to the creative life of the
Hutt Valley and its residents and visitors by supporting
local arts groups.
Helen Piercy's group, Faultline Chorus Inc. received a grant last year, which she says, "made a huge difference to us".
"The grant enabled us to bring in singing coaches from overseas and pay on-going operational costs, which is usually difficult as our revenue comes from membership fees from our very small group."
Last year
six local arts organisations received funding to help with
their running costs. They were funded because they met the
criteria to,
* Provide a diverse range of quality arts activities and events that are easily accessed by residents and visitors,
* Create opportunities to increase community participation in arts and cultural activities, and
* Provide opportunities to grow audiences for arts and cultural activities.
Applications can be made online at - they close on 1 August. Grants awarded should cover projects run between August 2014 and July 2015.