Celebrating EPA decision
MEDIA RELEASE: Celebrating EPA decision
FROM: Climate
Justice Taranaki
DATE: 18th June 2014
"We are absolutely thrilled that the Environmental Protection Agency made the right decision and declined Trans-Tasman Resources' marine consent application to mine the South Taranaki Bight for iron ore" says Urs Signer, member of Climate Justice Taranaki.
"This is a victory for the inhabitants of the sea: the whales, the fish, the seabirds and the zooplankton as well as humans who enjoy the sea and beaches of South Taranaki."
"Thousands of people made submissions against this proposal. It is because of the hard work of iwi and hapu and groups like 'Kiwis Against Seabed Mining' that this tremendous victory has come about. No reira, tenei te mihi nui ki a koutou!"
"However, our quest for environmental justice continues here in Taranaki. As I said to the EPA during the submission hearings: I wish there had been a robust assessment hearing when the first onshore wells were drilled in Taranaki in the 1860s, or when the offshore wells started popping up, or when companies started fracking all across this region 20 years ago. We celebrate this victory but we know there is plenty more work to do" concludes Urs Signer.