Basin Bridge - Board of Inquiry Draft Decision
Basin Bridge - Board of Inquiry Draft Decision 22 July 2014
Comment from
Wellington Civic Trust Inc
Civic Trust thinks that a farsighted, long term, multi-modal
transportation solution is needed between The Terrace and
the airport.
NZTA told the Board of Inquiry that its 2-lane bridge and shoving more State Highway One traffic down Vivian St and Kent Terrace is a farsighted, long term, multi-modal transportation solution (its words).
It isn’t and it never could be.
The Civic Trust will read today’s decision carefully and make an informed response within the allowed time. We know that it is a political decision, not an engineering one, and that if consents are not granted then the bridge can be forced on Wellington by special legislation. That's the way the NZ public policy system works now.
The Crown, through NZTA and EPA, have spent millions of our dollars trying to get this thing consented. The spin doctors will now spend thousands more to convince us that it’s the right thing to do.
The Civic Trust position is framed by: what is best for Wellington’s prosperity and quality; what is best for those who have to use this route, or send freight along it, or who live near it, or have to look at it. Does the solution show good urban design? Does it work? and does it contribute to Smart Capital 2040?
There is a better solution than a 1-way bridge and keeping SH1 on Vivian St and Kent Tce. It’s worth asserting the case for this and the Civic Trust will keep on doing that