Previous Rodeo Decision in Auckland City Stays
1 August 2014
Previous Rodeo Decision in Auckland City Stays
Animal advocacy
organisation SAFE are delighted that the Auckland Council
has sent a strong signal that it does not condone or support
rodeo by announcing that a previous decision not to allow
rodeos on council land will now stay in place.
Last week the council said they would be abandoning the rodeo ban on council land, put into place in 2008, due to a new events policy. This was done with virtually no public consultation and caused uproar in the community.
Council staff have now said that the previous Auckland City resolution on rodeo was not overturned by the new Events Policy.
“This is really great news for animals. Rodeo causes immense suffering with animals very fearful for their lives,” says SAFE head of campaigns Mandy Carter. “It is also important that the council consult with rate payers when making significant changes like this.”
In a statement the council said “A decision by a former council that did not allow rodeos to take place on council land is still in place and can be given consideration by decision makers.The decision was made by the former Auckland City Council in relation to its concerns for animal welfare. In recent weeks, some members of the public have expressed concern that this had been superseded by the council’s new Auckland Council Events policy. However the council says that is not the case and that the events policy only sets out who is responsible for making the decision for regarding events on public land.“
Auckland's only annual rodeo is held in Warkworth. SAFE will be urging the council to extend the ban outside the old city boundaries and asking local boards to make sure they continue to ensure it doesn't happen and that they uphold the wishes of Aucklanders.
SAFE says subjecting animals to fear, stress, risk of injury and death, all for the sake of entertainment must be stopped.