Community fund for river health
Community fund for river health
Media release: 2 September 2014
Nelson City Council has funding available for
members of the community to take on their own project that
will help improve the health of the Maitai/Mahitahi River.
Council has a total budget of $40,000 to contribute
towards grants of $300 to $5,000 for initiatives to be
completed by 30 June 2015.
Applicants must demonstrate
how they intend to contribute to their project by matching
the dollar value of funds requested from Council. This could
include volunteer hours, donations of goods or professional
services, and other in-kind support.
People are encouraged to think creatively about the type of project they would like supported. The fund can cover the cost of tools, resources, products or services.
The Maitai/Mahitahi Community Fund is for new, community-driven activities and projects that are in line with the Project Maitai/Mahitahi goal: to improve the health of the Maitai/Mahitahi and its tributaries (the York and Brook Streams) so that the community can safely swim in, take kai from, feel proud of and value the Maitai/Mahitahi as a taonga (treasure).
Not-for-profit groups, including schools, Māori/iwi, community groups, partnerships and individuals can apply for funding.
For more information, please visit and search “Maitai Community Fund”, or email the projects team at People are encouraged to get in touch early to see if their idea might work.