Take care on Guy Fawkes night
Take care on Guy Fawkes night
The public is being urged to take special care when setting off fireworks on Guy Fawkes night as the region is quite dry, despite the green tinges.
Eastern Regional Rural Fire Committee Chairperson Trevor Mitchell says “The whole of Hawkes Bay is currently in an open fire season and that allows fireworks to be set off on Guy Fawkes night (5th November) on private property without first obtaining a permit. People wishing to set off fireworks at any time other than Guy Fawkes night will need to obtain a fire permit.”
Note: fireworks are not allowed to be set off in any area administered by Bay Forests Rural Fire District or the Department of Conservation.
Trevor Mitchell says “A bonfire is permitted to be lit in rural areas around the district on Guy Fawkes night, but you will need to obtain a fire permit. It is illegal to light a bonfire at any time in urban areas and public places including beaches, parks, reserves and forests.”
Mr Mitchell says “Guy Fawkes night is a great chance to get together with family and friends but we need to ensure that the vegetation and property is protected from fireworks damage. Unfortunately, damage caused by fireworks is a regular occurrence around Guy Fawkes night.”
When lighting fireworks it is important to have a hose or a bucket of water handy and all fireworks should be lit in a wide open area, well away from anything that could catch fire.
“It is important that the public is able to enjoy Guy Fawkes night activities but they need to be able to do so safely. If you are in any doubt about setting off fireworks or lighting a bonfire contact a Rural Fire Officer,” Mr Mitchell says.
Tips for a safe Guy Fawkes include:
Choose a safe place to let
off your fireworks. Make sure it is an open space where
nothing can catch fire
Read the instructions on the
fireworks before lighting them
Have a water supply
available when lighting fire works
Keep unlit fireworks
in the bag until ready to light them
Keep pets
Inspect the property at the end of the display to
ensure all fires are