Submissions called for fungicide application
17 December 2014
Submissions called for fungicide application
The Environmental Protection Authority is calling for submissions on an application for release of the fungicide Prolectus.
The application from Sumitomo Chemical Australia Pty Limited is for Prolectus which contains Fenpyrazamine for use as a fungicide in commercial grape crops.
View Prolectus application details and information.
The public are invited to make submissions on the application to the EPA. The submissions period for this application opened Wednesday 17 December and will close at 5pm on 25 February 2015.
Submissions are an opportunity to provide further information and raise issues concerning the application. They will inform a decision-making committee that will decide whether to approve the application.
A public hearing may be held before a decision is made. The EPA will provide at least 10 working days’ notice of the hearing date, time and place. We'll provide this information to all submitters and the applicant.
The EPA’s role is to oversee applications under the HSNO Act to import and manufacture hazardous substances. We put controls in place to manage the risks of hazardous substances to safeguard people and the environment.
Find further information on submissions and the hearing process