Total irrigation ban in force at Waimarama
December 23, 2014
Total irrigation ban in force at Waimarama
A total irrigation ban has been implemented at Waimarama, as the high temperatures over the past week place a strain on the water supply.
The limits that apply to the Hastings District Council’s Waimarama water supply Resource Consent come under severe pressure each summer and the recent warm weather has meant that a ban on the use of sprinklers and hoses came into effect on Monday 22 December.
Councillor Tania Kerr says “A third level water restriction has been applied, which means a total ban on the use of sprinklers and hoses around the seaside community is now in force. The upsurge in holiday makers to Waimarama during the Christmas and New Year period will put real pressure on the water supply. Council is urging everyone to be extra vigilant in their use of household water to ensure the supply is maintained over the summer period.”
Tania Kerr says “It is particularly important that all residents and holidaymakers comply with the total irrigation ban. This applies to the watering of gardens and lawns from the mains supply while boat owners should use a bucket to wash down their craft, rather than a hose over the summer months.”
“Everyone is urged to be conservative in the use of water inside the home by limiting the length of time taken for showers, fixing any leaking taps and not leaving taps running unnecessarily. We ask that all residents work with us to ensure the water supply to the town is maintained throughout the summer holiday period,” Tania Kerr says.
Tania Kerr says “Remember, every drop counts and small changes in the use of water can help reduce the possibility of having to introduce further restrictions during the summer period.”
Please note: Sufficient water will be maintained in the Waimarama reservoir at all times to enable fire fighting.
Further water saving tips are available at