Waikato DHB continues on track with national health targets
The latest quarterly results show Waikato
DHB tracking well on all national health targets.
“It is very pleasing to see an improvement in the 6 hour acute goal and to make a start toward achieving the new cancer target,” said interim chief operating officer Brett Paradine.
“Improvement in both of these areas will be a priority for the coming year,” he said.
Waikato DHB’s results (compared to the national averages for all district health boards) for the quarter are:
Shorter stays in
emergency departments 94% (94%)
Improved access to
elective surgery 115% (107%)
Faster cancer treatment 68%
(66%) – this is a new target, see below.
immunisation 91% (94%)
Better help for smokers to quit
– hospitals 96% (95%); primary care 87% (89%)
heart and diabetes checks 88% (87%)
Four out of the six
target rates show improvement by Waikato DHB compared to the
previous quarter, and the other two have held