Motorbikes on a mission for charity
Motorbikes on a mission for charity
Up to 150
motorbikes will ride for an Easter charity collection on
Sunday. This is the 5th year that BRONZ (Bikers Rights of
New Zealand) Wellington Inc. has held their „Easter Egg
Run for the Wellington City Mission.
Riders bring Easter eggs which will go to the „Mission for Families programme, and children who may otherwise go without this Easter. TSS Red Baron has also generously donated $500 for the cause.
Rev. Tric Malcolm says: “Last year it was pretty phenomenal being part of the large procession of motorbikes as they roared up the motorway. Its wonderful for The Mission to be supported by a community based group like BRONZ, who are keen to raise the profile of our work with families - as well as raise money for it.”
BRONZ Wellington Secretary Kim McGill says: “BRONZs focus is to promote and protect the general welfare of the motorcycling public. However we also really enjoy the opportunity to hold a group ride to raise awareness, and help Mission families enjoy Easter.”
From 10am on Sunday 29, riders will gather with bikes and eggs in the TSS Red Baron car park, 421 Cuba St, Alicetown. At 11am they will depart - travelling down SH2, up the Ngauranga Gorge, and looping back over the Haywards to the Parrot & Jigger, 477 Hutt Rd, Alicetown, by around 11.45am.
A Mission car, stacked with chocolate goodies, will lead the impressive parade of bikes throughout the ride.