People are back on the Antigua Boat Sheds footbridge
Cake, coffee, punting: people are back on the Antigua Boat Sheds footbridge
Cycling blog:
A blustery autumn day was no deterrent for 50 or more people and local school pupils who celebrated the re-opening of the Antigua Boat Sheds footbridge early this morning.
It is hard to believe it now but back in 1964, the Council approved a plan to turn the footbridge into a full road bridge, SCIRT’s Ian Campbell said in his opening words.
Christchurch Central MP Nicky Wagner, Hagley-Ferrymead community board chair Sara Templeton and Cr Yani Johanson all enjoyed cake and festivities alongside the people who had helped rebuild the broken bridge – SCIRT’s Downer team and subcontractors Connell Contractors, Titan Cranes and Southern Cross Steel Works and many neighbouring residents and business people.
Alison Nicol, chief executive of the Bone Marrow Cancer Trust and nearby Ranui House was among the people happiest to see the footbridge reopened. Alison had wanted the bridge reopened much earlier and did her best to keep the project on track with regular correspondence to the SCIRT Downer team.
The repair became more of a rebuild given the amount of damage found in the steel arched truss, taken off site to Southern Cross last winter. Originally it was thought it would be back in place in November but extensive rot and damage – “severely munted” in Nicky Wagner’s words – meant it had to be largely rebuilt before it could be reassembled over the river.
Christchurch Hospital people were also happy to have people back on a safe footbridge and away from the hospital bridge area, where they have had to share the road with ambulances and people seeking car parks.
Sally and Mike Jones of the Antigua Boat Sheds Cafe provided free coffees and a green and white-iced carrot cake, copying the colour scheme of the Antigua Boat Sheds building which also match the green truss of the footbridge and cream hand rails. Sally and Mike were instrumental in ensuring the original colour scheme was built into the rebuilt bridge.
Nicky Wagner reminded everyone assembled why the footbridge is such an important part of the river precinct and An Accessible City’s more cycling and walking friendly initiatives. It is also an important and historic link to the Canterbury Museum and the Arts Centre, Hagley Community College, Christchurch Hospital and Hagley Park. It is an everyday link with the early Pakeha settlers of the city.
Minister Wagner’s plane back to Wellington was delayed in the southerly so she was able to get a quick trip along the river in a punt with Sara Templeton and Alison Nicol – all rugged up for the conditions. (Pic SCIRT web page link above)
A huge thanks to the Jones family for the generosity they supplied to everyone there today and the punting business for the free rides.