Motorway toll is fairer option says Property Council
Interim levy for Auckland infrastructure supported – but motorway toll fairer option
Property Council supports
the Auckland Mayor’s intention to progress the delivery of
a comprehensive transport network for Auckland. But the
Council must first reach agreement on the funding options
with Government.
In its submission on the Auckland Long Term Plan 2015-2025, Property Council’s Auckland Branch states motorway tolls are a preferred source of funding, due to its ability to be used for demand management. Through demand management a tangible benefit such as a quicker commute is associated with the cost.
In addition to Government support on the funding methods the Branch believes that best practice implementation requires the following:
the money collected is strictly ring fenced and not used to subsidise other matters
that adequate public transport is provided prior to the implementation of user charges
Auckland Branch president Phil Eaton says without these conditions fulfilled, imposing tolls will create inequity.
“What we don’t want to see is Aucklanders not being able to get to and from work or school or shops. Basically, anything that might reduce our city’s productivity and liveability.
“Although tolls might be more complex, expensive and require legislative change, they’ll deliver the best long term outcome with more economic benefits because it aligns the cost with the people that use it and provides them a benefit. There is less equity and no transparency in rates increases”
The Auckland Branch is also requesting information on whether the Council has explored alternative sources of funding for major projects such as the City Rail Link, through for example, public private partnerships.
It is well known that mayor Len Brown has expressed keen interest in exploring such arrangements for transport projects.