Stratford Update Heavy Rain Event
Stratford Update Heavy Rain Event
Taranaki remains in a state of emergency today following the heavy rainfall and flooding over the weekend. The urban areas of the Stratford District have faired well, while the rural areas has been impacted significantly, particularly road access.
“The weather event has been significant and likely the most severe damage to roads and other infrastructure since Cyclone Bola in 1988,” says Mayor Neil Volzke.
There was localised flooding in the Stratford township, as well as a number of wastewater overflows. Flooding receded once the rain stopped and wastewater overflows were cleaned up and decontaminated by Council’s maintenance contractor.
“Our contractors have been working extremely hard to clear roads and assess infrastructure,” says Chief Executive Matt O’Mara.
Contractors have made good progress today and opened a number of roads affected by slips and fallen trees. They are now working on those that are more intensive which will take weeks or months to complete. Council is investigating alternative access for these.
Taranaki Civil Defence Emergency Management (TCDEM), which Council is a part of is responsible for the coordination of civil defence across the region.
As of Monday TCDEM have been assessing the welfare needs of residents in the eastern hill country including helicopters visiting areas isolated by slips and road closures.
“As the situation unfolds over the coming days and weeks we will be working with Civil Defence, other Taranaki Councils, relevant government agencies and the Minister of Civil Defence to assist in the longer term recovery.” says Matt O’Mara
Road status details will continue to be updated on Council’s website,
The roads listed as open still have a number of slips and fallen trees narrowing down road width and making the surface slippery. Although open, extreme caution should be taken while driving on these roads.