Council in Second Stage of Broadband Investment Bid
Council in Second Stage of Broadband Investment
Ruapehu mayor Don Cameron is calling on Ruapehu communities to support the second phase of council’s bid to be part of the next stage of the national broadband investment programme.
The next phase of the government’s broadband plan will focus on extending implementation of ultra-fast broadband, enhancing rural broadband and limiting mobile black spots.
Ruapehu mayor Don Cameron said that for Ruapehu to gain part of the $400 million dedicated to this next stage of investment we need to show the government that we would be able to capitalise on it and provide the best possible return for NZ.
“The bid process is broken into two stages the first being a Registration of Interest (ROI) followed by a Digital Enablement Plan (DEP) that outlines how we would benefit Ruapehu and NZ from the investment,” he said.
“Council submitted our ROI at the end of June and we are now in the process of developing our DEP which must be submitted by 18 September.”
“Ruapehu communities have been absolutely fantastic in support of council’s bid so far with many people taking part in the internet speed test and providing ‘war stories’ around internet issues in support of the ROI.”
“The DEP now needs to show how council will be able to support our communities with getting connected and enable them to reap the benefits of improved internet services.”
Mayor Cameron said that to put together the best possible DEP council needs further input from our communities.
“We need to develop a detailed understanding of what Ruapehu’s communities’ internet aspirations are and how council can support achieving these.”
“In order to gather this vital information for the DEP council is holding a series of meetings in towns around the district and asking residents to complete a short survey on the benefits and opportunities that better internet services would bring.”
“The meeting details are advertised local papers or along with the survey can be found on council’s website”
“Anyone needing any further information on this
project is welcome to call council policy analyst Samantha
Arthur-Curtis via their local council office.”