Lindis River Minimum Flow
Lindis River Minimum Flow
“Have your say on the Lindis River”, Fish and Game Environmental Officer Peter Wilson says, with the deadline looming for submissions to the Otago Regional Council on the proposed Lindis River minimum flow on Friday 4 September.
“At the moment the lower Lindis River is highly degraded, with poor natural character, amenity, and high fish mortality. For some of the summer season, the river dries up and does not connect to the Clutha, and this regularly kills fish”.
Mr Wilson stated that this current situation, caused by historical overallocation of water to irrigation, is “unacceptable”, and there is a need to move to alternative sources of water. It is pleasing, he noted, that some farmers have recently developed irrigation schemes to access alternatives.
Mr Wilson states that that whilst the Otago Regional Council’s proposed summer minimum flow of 750 litres per second is better than previous proposals, Fish and Game considers it is still not enough to restore the river’s life supporting capacity. Instead, Fish and Game is seeking a minimum flow of 1000 litres per second which it considers should result in a healthy river.
“If you value your river, take the time to submit - It’s a once in a generation chance to get it right ”, Mr Wilson concluded.
Submissions can be made to the Otago Regional Council up until 5pm on Friday 4 September and can be made by emaiul or online via the ORc website . They can be made online here: