Through the eyes of our children - fundraising event
Through the eyes of our children media release.
Through the eyes of our children is an enlightening fundraising event at Mac’s Function Centre on 17 October from 6pm – 9pm, focusing on children’s stories from Tanzania, India & New Zealand, through live performances, online conversations and an art auction.
The event is to raise funds for three children’s organisations, based in Tanzania, India and here in Wellington. The organisations, which the funds are being raised for are: The Karunai Illam Trust based in India, founded by the late Jean Watson. Pamoja based in Tanzania and ESYT (Eastern Southern Youth Trust) in Wellington.
Attendees will also have the chance to hear eight children who have been chosen to interact and talk via the Internet to share their life story and explain what these organisations are doing to change and improve their futures.
Tickets cost $20 and can be purchased through: