Name change possible for popular Rotorua mountain
23 October 2015
Name change possible for popular Rotorua mountain
The name of a Rotorua mountain popular with tourists, walkers and mountain bikers, may soon be changed under a proposal being considered by the New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (NZGB).
While not officially named, the mountain has two unofficial recorded names – ‘Maungakakaramea’ and ‘Rainbow Mountain’.
“The proposal – from the Ngāti Tahu-Ngāti Whaoa Rūnanaga Trust (NT-NW) – seeks to alter the names to just one name ‘Maunga Kākaramea’,” says NZGB Secretary Wendy Shaw.
“This corrects the spelling of the recorded Māori name and splits out the two elements of the name – ‘Maunga’ meaning ‘mountain’, and ‘Kākaramea’ meaning ‘red ochre’.
“The proposal seeks to remove the recorded English name, and points out that it will still exist as the name of the surrounding Department of Conservation (DOC) Crown protected area (CPA) ‘Rainbow Mountain Scenic Reserve’.”
At its meeting on 23 September, the NZGB considered the proposal and supporting information – including letters from DOC, Rotorua Lakes Council, and other iwi groups supporting the name change – and agreed to proceed to public consultation.
Consultation will run from 29 October 2015 to 29 January 2016. From 29 October, anyone can make a submission either in support of, or objecting to, this proposal. Details of this proposal will be available on the LINZ website from 29 October.
Submissions can be made in writing to the Secretary for the New Zealand Geographic Board, via the LINZ website or to, or via post to: Level 7, Radio New Zealand House, 155 The Terrace, PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145.
Visit the LINZ website for information about general place naming and the New Zealand Geographic Board.