Mowing Trial Underway
Mowing Trial Underway
Queenstown Lakes District Council is carrying out a mowing trial at several of its reserves, to seek out ways of reducing the cost of maintaining reserves by altering levels of service.
The trial involves adjusting the mowing frequency of six reserves chosen for their steepness of terrain, lack of access or potential ecological benefits. The trial is underway at Whitechapel Reserve, Cardrona River Mouth Reserve, Cecil Road Reserve, Frankton Domain, One Mile Reserve and Lismore Park.
As a result of less frequent mowing at these locations, more resources will be able to be put into high-profile reserves such as Earnslaw Park and Bridgeman Green.
Reserves will also benefit ecologically by creating natural habitat areas, encouraging bees and beneficial insects. On steeper reserves it is hoped that the trial will decrease erosion on slopes and reduce water run-off.
The trial ends in June and will be followed by an opportunity for the community to give feedback.