Free Breakfast for a Week; Provided You’re on a Bike
Free Breakfast for a Week; Provided You’re on a Bike
February is national Bikewise Month; a great time to leave your car at home and ride to work.
Bike Wise Month includes the week-long Hawke’s Bay Commuter Challenge which starts on Monday 15 February. The Challenge offers anyone who rides their bike to work on any day of the week, a chance to enjoy a scrumptious free breakfast on the way.
Hastings Deputy Mayor Cynthia Bowers says: “Hastings District Council’s iWay project is joining in the fun and has encouraged a number of Hawke’s Bay businesses to start their day by providing breakfast for cyclists in both Napier and Hastings.”
“Those who stop off for breakfast will be able to meet like-minded people and learn more about the benefits of cycling to work. It may not be practical to ride to work each day but even if you can cycle one day a week it will give you a boost before you start work.”
Keen cyclists also have more to look forward to later this year, when new iWay paths in Napier and Hastings will be completed.
Napier City councillor and Napier Urban Cycleways Project Delivery Group chairman Mark Hamilton is looking forward to Napier becoming part of the iWay network, which has proved its worth to cyclists and pedestrians of all ages. “Commuting by bike is a great way to keep healthy and reduce your carbon footprint. We encourage as many people as possible to get behind this year’s Commuter Challenge.”
Funding for the new iWay project is split between the New Zealand Transport Authority, Urban Cycleways Fund and the councils and is expected to cost about $10.5m over four years.
Building on what began in Hastings in 2010, the iWay programme through to 2018 will add an extra 54.5km of off-road and on-road pathways and cycleways in and between both cities, providing further connections between residential areas, schools and businesses.
Breakfast spots:
Monday, February
Hastings: MP Craig Foss’s Office, cnr of
King and Queens Streets, Hastings
Napier: MP Stuart
Nash’s Office, 155a Tennyson Street,
Tuesday, February 16:
Mitre 10 Mega, 614 Karamu Road North, Hastings
Visique Bennett & Pearson Optometrists, 7 Carlyle Street,
Wednesday, February
Hastings: Adam and Eva’s café and
Revolution Bikes, 4 Donnelly Street, Havelock
Napier: Geoffrey Clark Bike Shed (a private facility), 44 Corunna Bay, Napier
February 18:
Hastings: MWH, 100 Warren Street
(next to ACC offices), Hastings
Napier: Hawke’s Bay
Regional Council Offices, 159 Dalton Street,
Friday February, 19:
Avanti Plus and Bakers Delight, 401 Queen Street,
Napier: Breakfast will be served on the deck at Langley Twigg Law, behind the Gin Trap West Quay, Ahuriri
There will be fun and prizes to give away during each breakfast. Plus 4 major prizes sponsored by the Hastings District Council and the Napier City Council which are up for grabs if you cycle to 4 or more venues for breakfast during the week.
BikeWise Month attracts thousands of kiwis from all around the country to take to their bikes and cycle to work, school, or just to have some fun. It’s about getting people to give cycling a go and see how easy it is to get where you need to go by bicycle.