Regenerate Christchurch Board Announced
Media release: 15th April
Regenerate Christchurch Board Announced
The organisation established to lead regeneration activities across Greater Christchurch, Regenerate Christchurch, has welcomed the appointment of a new Board of Directors.
Regenerate Christchurch, which was created through the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act, represents a new partnership between the Crown and Christchurch City Council. Regenerate Christchurch will be formally established on Tuesday 19th April.
The organisation is governed by an independent board, which was announced today, with members appointed by the Crown and Christchurch City Council as well as representation from Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.
Regenerate Christchurch Chair André Lovatt says he is extremely pleased to see the organisation reach this establishment milestone.
“The announcement of our new Board marks the next stage in the organisation’s development,” says Mr Lovatt.
“Regenerate Christchurch aims to draw on the knowledge and ideas of a broad range of people and organisations, and represent and reflect the ambitions and expectations of the local community. Our Board will have an important role to play in achieving this.”
The new Regenerate Christchurch Board includes Ross Butler, Chair of Ōtākaro Limited, the new Crown company that has responsibility for the key anchor projects and precincts in the city, and Bill Dwyer, Chair of Development Christchurch, the Council’s development organisation. Other Board appointees, announced today, include Jen Crawford, Manaia Cunningham, Richard Holden and Humphry Rolleston.
Regenerate Christchurch’s focus will be on working with the community, including a host of local groups, businesses and iwi, in partnership with the Crown and Council to stimulate regeneration in key areas.
Regenerate Christchurch will initially concentrate on three key areas, the Residential Red Zone, the Central City, and New Brighton, as well as having the ability to consider areas within Greater Christchurch.
The organisation is currently recruiting a chief executive, who will work with the Board to establish an organisational structure and recruit new staff. In the interim, an establishment unit is supporting the Board in the set-up of the organisation.
André Lovatt says the Board is keen to get to work on the opportunities they see ahead for Greater Christchurch, and the key areas of focus Regenerate Christchurch has in the Central City, the Residential Red Zone and New Brighton.
“The first stage we are all looking forward to is the opportunity to talk with and listen to the local community to understand the future of Christchurch they want to see.”