Chief Inspector review
Chief Inspector review
Ray Smith, Chief Executive
Yesterday, I instructed the Chief Inspector of Corrections to undertake a case review into the management of a prisoner at Auckland’s maximum security prison.
The subject of the case review is a highly complex and difficult prisoner who has at times posed a significant risk to himself and staff.
The Department is committed to preventing unnatural deaths and life threatening incidents of self-harm in prisons but despite our efforts to reduce suicide and self harm in prison it is incredibly difficult to stop someone who is determined to harm themselves.
I decided to initiate this review given the length of time and frequency in which it was deemed necessary to use a tie down bed in this prisoner’s treatment, and concerns expressed to me about this by the Office of the Ombudsman.
The Office of the Ombudsman, which has independent oversight of the management of prisons, will work with the Chief Inspector throughout the course of the review.
The Department is also currently undertaking an operational review into the policy, guidance and training related to the use of tie down beds generally.
Until such a time that the case review is completed, I will not be able to go into any further detail regarding this matter. The case review is expected to be completed by 30 June 2016.
A copy of the Terms of Reference for this case
review is attached. The name of the prisoner has been
redacted to protect his privacy.