Urban development NPS needs careful consideration, NZPI says
Urban development NPS needs careful consideration, NZPI says
June 3, 2016
The New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI) considers there is merit in preparing the National Policy Statement on urban development, especially one that addresses the wide range of issues that are relevant to our urban areas today.
Minister Nick Smith has indicated the National Policy Statement (NPS) released yesterday would not solve housing problems itself, but combined with the Proposed Unitary Plan (in Auckland) and the Government's Resource Management Act (RMA) reforms was part of a "long-term solution that will make a material difference".
NZPI chairman Bryce Julyan says NZPI will be looking carefully at the proposed NPS – in particular the issue relating to urban development capacity which provides a constructive and guiding policy statement that is necessary in New Zealand now.
“We consider s that regardless of an NPS, what is needed is more coordination between the different levels of development planning in New Zealand, so that local planning for urban growth is managed, rather than being forced to respond to sudden surges in population growth or inflows of capital.
“Policy interventions that address urban planning issues need to be comprehensively considered alongside other urban development objectives and strategies. NZPI generally supports the use of spatial planning for the successful development of an urban environment.
“However, we caution that good spatial planning is not limited to addressing the provision of land solely for housing and business opportunities. Planning for future housing or business development needs to be an integrated process addressing all elements that make a successful, liveable city.
“These include locations for employment, social and public services and facilities, transport networks, and other infrastructure, parks, reserves and community amenities and facilities.”
Julyan says the Institute welcomed the use of the NPS mechanism to provide national guidance in planning for our cities. NZPI will be working with its members to consider this proposed document and develop a submission to meet the July 15 deadline.