Hastings Gets More Beautiful
Hastings Gets More Beautiful
Prettying up more Hastings utility boxes is underway, with the facelift of a Chorus box in Gascoigne St completed.
“Arohanui” is artist Aron Nobel’s second work in the project. His original one is in Wilson Rd, in Flaxmere.
His work brings the total number of decorated telecommunication boxes across the district to 21, with that number expected to reach 30 by the end of the year.
That will see all of the Chorus boxes in Flaxmere beautified and almost all in Hastings and Havelock North.
The project is in its third year, after Hastings District Council staff decided to trial it in a bid to stop tagging attacks on the boxes.
Telecommunications company Chorus agreed to partner Council in the project, and it had proved a “win/win” for both, said council’s environment enhancement officer Wendy Beeke.
It had been very successful at putting off taggers, she said.
“They look great and so people respect them. Research told us that public art reduced the amount of tagging on things like utility boxes; and it has proved true. We get beautiful art to look at, and Chorus doesn’t have to spend time and money constantly removing tagging from their infrastructure.”
The project sees council and Chorus staff choose the final artworks from artists’ submissions. The works have to be relevant to the suburb in which they are sited.
This time around there are new artists about to put their work on the boxes as well as those who have completed previous works. As the art is completed Council will announce the artist and location of the work.
The boxes being beautified this year are:
Near 19 Tarbet St
Near Kirkwood and Omahu Rds intersection
Havelock North
Near 338 Te Mata Rd
Near 38 Te Mata Peak Rd
Near 816 Nelson St
Near 306 Willowpark Rd South
Near 416 Gascoigne St (completed)
Near 318 Orchard Rd
Near 704 Pakowhai Rd
Near Mahora School