David Hay "very disappointed" by ATAP
MEDIA RELEASE - 20 September 2016
David Hay "very
disappointed" by Auckland Transport Alignment
Speaking at a Transport Infrastructure conference in Auckland today, Auckland mayoral candidate said he was "very disappointed" by the outcomes of the Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP).
"It's great that central and local government are talking together about transport funding priorities for Auckland, but they are having the wrong conversation." said Mr Hay.
"I read the full report last weekend, and I was shocked to see that reducing carbon emissions was not among the four main objectives of the project. It was tucked away, alongside road safety, as one of the other outcomes."
"Reducing carbon emissions should be among the main objectives, and for me it would be the main objective. We have to go back and start that conversation again, and get it right next time."
Mr Hay also cast doubt on the $4 billion funding shortfall signalled by the ATAP report.
"The report appears to maintain a gold-plated standard for road maintenance and asset renewals. These so-called 'levels of service' in the roading asset management plans are key drivers of cost."
"If we allowed some levels of service be reduced a notch or two, that would free up more funding for public transport projects. There's actually plenty of money in the kitty, it's a question of priorities."
" What Auckland needs is for the government to stop spending stupid amounts of money on roads and motorways, and to start building the rapid transit network that Auckland wants and needs." said Mr Hay.
ATAP Report Online (search PDF for 'levels of service')