Takahanga Marae Kaikoura will serve its last communal meal
Takahanga Marae Kaikoura will serve its last communal meal on Sunday night
After a week of feeding visitors and earthquake response workers as well as whānau, Takahanga Marae in Kaikoura will serve its last communal meal tomorrow night (Sunday).
Civil Defence Controller John Mackie said that the marae had extended very generous hospitality to hundreds of people every day since the earthquake. “On behalf of everyone working in the response team, I would like to acknowledge and thank Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura, the hapū of Ngāti o Kuri and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu for their enormous effort and support.”
From tomorrow night, food packs will no longer be distributed from the marae.
People with ongoing needs for assistance will
be able to visit the Recovery Assistance Centre that has
been set up at Kaikoura Primary School. At the Centre people
will get information on how to access:
Civil Defence
emergency payments
Information on making a claim with the
Earthquake Commission (EQC)
Support services for those
under stress
Helpful information for parents
support for those who are vulnerable (e.g. elderly; those
with young children or underlying health issues).
If you
are unable to physically get to the Recovery Assistance
Centre, please call the government helpline on 0800 779